Okay, okay.. here's a blog. I know this can be a nice tool to keep everyone updated.
So yes, REAL QUICK.. they're getting everything ready for us to be discharged tomorrow! So now I'm getting all overwhelmed. I know there will be a lot to go over tomorrow, papers to sign, ect. So we'll be busy.
Taylor will still need to be fed by bottle most of the day, breastfeeding only twice a day. She does get tired out easily during feedings. Nursing does take a bit more of her energy than the bottle. We will be scheduling a pediatrician apt for this Monday and she will have her first follow up appointment with her cardiologist the following Monday. She will be on a lasix) medicine to control the amount of blood flow to the lungs. The cardiologist will then follow her closely as she grows and gets stronger. Within a few months her body will then tell us when she will need her heart surgery to fix the defect (I believe this is it) .
We just ask for prayer that everything goes smoothly as they hand her over into our care. I do have a bit of anxiety with her heart condition and working out all the feeding patterns (pumping, bottle, nursing, ect.). I know within a few days, it will all seem more familiar to us and not be so overwhelming. We are really excited to finally bring her home.
We'll see if I can keep this blogging up from time to time, to keep you all updated. Each and everyone of you are so important to us and we really want to be able to share with you more personally than through technology. We are so thankful to have love and support. We have so much to share on that side of things and how God has amazed us through this process. He has been our strength. In time, we are looking forward to telling about it. It's all about what He's doing in our lives..
Love, Erin
Yea!!! Excited that she will be coming home. So good to see you yesterday and look forward to meeting your sweet baby!
I am so excited for you guys!! The Lord is taking care of you. I can't wait to come see you all and hold that beautiful Niece of mine. I booked my flight!! Love you and I will see you soon! (sorry, I am new to this whole blog thing, somehow I deleted this the first time) haha
YEA!!! So glad to hear!!
" . . . and Then There Were 5" indeed! She's already been there a long time, you've only just met her recently! Congratulations on getting to bring her home! Continue to get stronger (lots of naps!) and stronger, Erin! What a sweet little doll! I can't wait for Christmas to hold her and smother her with angel kisses! Praise God for what He's already done in her life - don't let satan rob you of any joy by looking at the whole picture with worry or anxiety - she will be just FINE, and fill all our hearts with incredible love and joy! Love always, your Favorite Aunt Lana
By the way, guys, this Blog thing is wonderful - keep us posted on Taylor's health and I hope you post lots of pictures of your beautiful family!
I am so excited for all of you. What a difference a week makes. And just think, with each passing week how much stronger Taylor will become and the love and joy she will not only receive, but that she will bring to all of you (and us) as well. Aunt Lana is going to have to share her with your Favorite Aunt Kim at Christmas. Hugs and prayers from our home to yours!
Can't wait for you to meet and hold her. She's a love bug. Everyday just gets better. ..
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