Sill in ICU. Hopefully for just a couple more days. One of her lungs is a little collapsed and will need time for treatment. No eating per doctors orders till some of that fluid goes away. Her body seems to be responding well to the antibiotic, fighting the infection in the meantime.
Such a joy to be here the last couple of days to sit with Erin and Tay but will need to go back home. Your love & prayers are such a presence in her room...They will fill the gap...Bless her dear Jesus.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you continually! We love you! Aunt Martha
Matthew struggled with a little collapsed lung after surgery, too. Hang in there - lots of prayers. We're thinking of you often. This part of the journey is so hard ... but it only gets better from here.
I have no idea who you are. I ran across your blog from someone else's blog. Anyways, I have 4 year old twins, one of which has Down syndrome. Kyler had to have AV canal surgery at 7 months. I remember how incredibly difficult it was to watch my baby boy have so many tubes and stuff hooked to him. But...he is doing amazing. Everybody always comments how high functioning he is. He steals everyone's hearts with his little smile. It does get better. I remember the first year being so many different dr. appointments...that gets a lot better. Anyways, I'm totally rambling on about nothing but just wanted to let you know I'm thinking about you and your family. Hang in there.
Hi! I just came across your blog from Matthew's blog. I just wanted to let you know that your little girl is absolutely beautiful! I spent some time looking through your blog and I look forward to "getting to know" you more in the future! Thinking about you and your family as your little girl recovers....
My little guy is extra special too! You can visit us at :)
Praying she continues to progess. Even slowly :) Hang in there.
Such a hard time. I'm praying for Taylor and for your whole family, that the Lord will carry you through it. Our littlest had the same surgery last July. Now I look back and think "how in the world did we do that?" God is gracious and gives us exactly what we need for each moment.
LC had a lung collapse following her AV canal repair as well...hang in there...we're all praying Taylor and the rest of your family home soon...
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