Taylor is only up 1/2 an ounce from Monday's doctor's apt (5lbs, 14.5oz, 19in). It's not a lot but the doctor doesn't seem worried. We'll go back to see her in a week. Monday we'll have her chest x-ray to check the fluid on her lungs as well as her cardiologist apt.
Looking forward to knowing how things are going on inside. You sound great and I hope all is well. We missed you Tuesday. Carri
Hey Erin, when I go this website, "And Then There Were 5...", in order to see the newest dated blog, what am I doing wrong? I have to keep on clicking on "newer blog", it opens up on the first blog comments you guys put there. Is there a way to view all of them without having to keep clicking at the bottom, newer blog? Anyone got any ideas?
Aaron - you are so smart! It worked! Thanks Bud!
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