Monday, December 7, 2009

Ava Drew turns 5!

Thank you God for her life. She is such a blessing to us. She amazes us everyday.. so busy learning and growing. She loves pink, dresses, pretend play, writing and off-roading in her jeep. She sure keeps us on our toes ;).

Taylor had a great visit with the Cardiologist this morning. She weighed in at 8 pounds! Doctor said she's never seen such great weight gain. The feeding plan is paying off! She is starting to breath more rapidly, due to too much blood pumping into her lungs. This will just need to be balanced with medication, helping some of that blood pump into the body instead. Other than that, she's doing great. The doctor is please and we can't be more thankful.


Carri Roman said...

Yea!!! Tell Ava thanks for her hug tonight eventhough I didn't know it was her birthday. Yea for Taylor too!

Aunt Lana said...